
Thursday, November 6, 2014



Sometime during my childhood (yeah...the 80s) I watched a movie called Little Shop of Horrors .  It's about a florist who raises a plant that eats HUMANS!  You heard right, humans.  We learned all about carnivorous (meat-eating) plants in class, so I thought we might as well dedicate a post to Little Shop of Horrors and get eaten by the plants we learned about.  Makes sense…..right? 

A scene from the movie Little Shop of Horrors (1986).

Presley was having a wonderful evening trotting to her grandmother's house with cookies, when suddenly….she smelled a wonderful nectar and decided to try it out.  Unfortunately the Cobra Lily lured her down the funnel of darkness, where she was only to become "Presley soup" for this carnivorous plant.  

What is a carnivorous plant?

Carnivorous plants are meat-eating plants.  Most catch small insects, but some of the larger pitcher plants can even consume frogs and RATS!  They grow in boggy areas, where the soil lacks nutrients that most plants need to grow.  You'll find more carnivorous plants in the United States than anywhere else in the world!  So don't forget to ask mom and dad for your new plant pet this winter.  Just remember:  Don't feed them fertilizer.  They hate fertilizer!

Madison has no idea Macaulay Culkin already made this face famous in the biggest movie of 1990 HOME ALONE!  This was such a big movie, that my cousin Chris Martin had to sit on the floor (due to lack of seats at a sold out show).  See photo below.
FUN FACT:  Macaulay Culkin now plays in a band called The Pizza Underground.

"This is the Giant African Sundew.  It is a carnivorous (meat-eating) plant that grows in all parts of the world.  It eats insects and bugs.  Each leaf has sticky hairs that the insect sticks to.  One interesting fact I learned about the Giant African Sundew, is that the sticky liquid shines in the sun to attract bugs."

Did I mention we wrote INFORMATIONAL ARTICLES as well about our plants?  Well, I'm mentioning that now.  Informational articles are FACTUAL.  That's right, full of totally awesome facts that make you just want to jump out of your seat for joy and yell "FACTS!"

"This is the Rajah Pitcher Plant.  It is a carnivorous (meat-eating) plant that grows in tropical countries.  It eats flies and small frogs.  It has slippery leaves that the insects can't cling onto, so they fall in!  One interesting fact I learned, is that some can be the size of footballs!"

And don't forget the…..

Brady was trapped by a BLADDERWORT!

What you learned from today's lesson:
1.  Carnivorous plants are meat-eating plants.
2.  Carnivorous plants grow in boggy areas, where the soil is poor.
3.  Home Alone was the biggest movie of my childhood (after JURASSIC PARK of course).

"We are all special in our own way, the moment we choose to be."
        -Seth Godin

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Feliz Cumpleaños GRANDMA!

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, abuela!

There are few things I love more in this world than letting my students imagine what they'll be like when they are older.  A lot older.  So we're kicking off the new school year GRANNY STYLE, and learning Spanish while we're at it.  That's right, every Friday we're learning Spanish here at One Magic Classroom INC, and this week we are learning about numbers.  READER might just enjoy learning another language after seeing these kids celebrate their senior citizen birthdays!!!

Numbers in Spanish from 1-30 are unique, meaning that you have to learn them all by heart (you can find a list of them here).  After that, you can CHEAT.  That's right!  I'm teaching my students how to cheat at learning Spanish by using this here short cut:

First, you learn the numbers in tens:
30 = trienta
40 = cuarenta
50 = cincuenta
60 = sesenta
70 = setenta
80 = ochenta
90 = noventa

You add an "y" (pronounced "ee"), then add the number, and BOOM!  Now you can wish your granny:

¡Feliz Cumpleaños! = Happy Birthday!
Grandma = Abuela

Happy Birthday Granny!
Feliz cumpleaños, abuela!
If you can't tell, granny doesn't like getting her picture taken.

Tengo noventa años  =  I'm ninety years old 
(Literal translation in Spanish: I have 90 years)
Granny turned 90! (and she doesn't look too happy about it)

Tell a kid to "get fierce" and this is the face they will give you.

"Granny, do you have any friends who also have birthdays?"
(translating this is a little too advanced for us right now)

Meet my cousin Mildred! 
"Conoce a mi prima Mildred"
"Tengo noventa y nueve años."  =  "I'm ninety-nine years old."
(She's still the queen of Scrabble on Fig Newton and Game Night….at the elderly home that is, and still rockin' that headband from prom 82 years ago!).

"Don't forget my mailman, Mr. Dinkletter!"
"No te olvides mi cartero, Sr. Dinkletter"
"Tengo cuarenta y siete años"  =  "I'm forty seven years old."
Rumor has it Señor Dinkletter even sleeps with his eyebrow up like that.  

In case you're wondering how to ask how old someone is, it's:
¿Cuántos años tienes?  =  How old are you?


Every foreign language student needs a journal to write down everything they learn.  And you're in luck kids, because your teacher struck gold in the free pile at work!  That's right, somebody didn't want these Spanish picture flash cards from 1972…..what were they thinking?  My cousin Kimi and I spent countless hours cutting out paper and tying knots for all these journals this summer (while watching reality t.v. shows…but you didn't hear that part).  

"Dad, I can speak Spanish!" -- Papá, yo hablo español!
Gage really knows how to draw some miniature legs on a grown man.

"Meat Boy loves Español!" -- "Meat Boy" ama español!

"And writing his Spanish vocabulary facts in his journal!"
The wise Yoda Hayden says: "If you learn one thing children, it's that "la carne" means "meat" in Spanish.

Introducing…..the first ever…..MAN-GIRL JOURNAL!
I'm not exactly sure how to translate this one...but I think it might be: 

And lastly, the most sophisticated journal of all:

(That's CACA en español, in case you were wondering)
Sorry, but I had to put this one on here. 
 I still have a 3rd grade sense of humor.  
Besides, poop and airplanes go together, right?

1.  How to say happy birthday in Spanish (¡Feliz Cumpleaños!).
2.  Think twice before you throw away some Spanish flashcards from 1972 in the garbage.
3.   Poop jokes are still funny.

You heard right my friends.  Ms. Sprengelmeyer will be sharing a neat-o-burrito teacher craft every blog entry as well.  This week I repurposed some old records that were about to go in the trash.  These once "golden oldies" are now magic name plates!

Well, there you have it, our first blog entry with a new super MAGIC bunch of really creative and inspiring kids.  Until next time my friends.  

Let the magic begin.

     "A different language is a different vision of life" - Federico Fellini

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Passport to AWESOME!

(Sponsored by Moldy Meatball Chewing Gum)

Meet Stephen Sausage-Patty, our newest employee at One Magic Classroom Airlines (he ate a sour doughnut before work today and puked it up in the employee bathroom).

Welcome to One Magic Classroom Airlines (O.M.C.A.)!  We're dedicated to not only making sure you have a safe and enjoyable flight, but a relaxing one as well.  A few things to keep in mind before entering the "magic" of One Magic Classroom Airlines:
1)  Have your passport ready.
2)  If you are bringing a pet on the plane, make sure they are wearing a life jacket (there are a variety of Moldy Meatball sizes and styles available).
3)  No donkeys allowed on the plane until further notice.  Last week a donkey got sick on the plane (management isn't happy).

Dale Creepy
Dale Creepy: 48 years of service for O.M.C.A.
(Sorry Laurel Sprengelmeyer, I may have "repurposed" your high school art project I found in dad's attic into a security checkpoint…OOPS!).

Meet Dale Creepy and Mindy Moody-Pants.  They'll be assisting you through the security line at O.M.C.A.  With over 48 years of service, Dale Creepy is sure to creep you out.  He'll be making sure you're not bringing on any sharp objects or dirty diapers, both of which will be confiscated immediately and destroyed in our "Destruction Room" where a championship wrestler will interrogate you (he's big and tan).  Mindy Moody-Pants will be making sure no liquids are brought on the plane, such as any soft drinks other than Moldy Meatball affiliated drinks.

Mindy Moody-Pants
Mindy Moody-Pants: 3 days of service at O.M.C.A.

Paul Pancake: 72 years of service at O.M.C.A.
P.S. Disregard the reflection of the projector (it is supposed to look like a real runway).

Paul might not be the most punctual (that means "on time," kids) of our employees, but he sure knows how to control the runway once he arrives.  With over 72 years of experience, he's a real runway gem.  He'll sadly be retiring this fall though (his knees are bad).  Party to be announced soon, though rumor has it, it will most likely be at Kim Parson's Creepy Pizza Ranch on HWY 10 (next to The Dilly Mart and Mama Fry-Fry's Fish Joint).

Emily's first trip to Latvia!
(Photo courtesy of Speedy Meatball Passports INC.)

Don't forget to take a really cute passport photo.  You'll have it for the next 10 years (yeah GURL!). We researched different countries and even learned new fancy vocabulary (nationality, expiration, and surname), while navigating an informational text.

O.M.C.A. is dedicated to ensuring a safe flight.  Make sure you have your passport ready at the gate to assure the validity of your citizenship and that you have never committed a major crime (such as stealing any Moldy Meatball affiliated items).  Be prepared to answer any and all questions.  If you are suspect of any suspicious behavior you may be asked to enter the "Dungeon Interrogation Room" (which really is a dungeon in the basement of our airport......and it smells).  Take a look at who you will be dealing with below if you should be interrogated.

Meet Sally Sassafras: 62 years of service at O.M.C.A.  I'm pretty sure she's worked here this long because her dad runs this place (and don't tell her I said that, because I still want to sit at her lunch table).


I thought you'd never ask.

Parker and Chandlarita's first trip to TOKYO, JAPAN (yeah we dressed Chandler as a girl for this photo, so I thought Chandlarita was more a more fitting name).

This is a photo of Parker yelling at Braydon for taking the photo too early, while "Chill Chandlarita" is trying to calm him down.  FYI Parker--the Iowa Hawkeyes and purple and pink kimono don't really go well together (that was SO last year).

"The mountains were amazing!" - Parker
"I loved the SHOPPING best!  Except for when I spilled the BBQ sushi on my new green dress, UGH!" - Chandlerita

Take a look at an excerpt from Parker's journal entry.  I chose this one because it mostly complains about the horrible experience at O.M.C.A. and doesn't mention much about Japan.  Go figure.  Either way, it's a lot more fun to write from the perspective of a O.M.C.A. patron.

Dear Journal,

One Magic Classroom airlines is the worst ever!  First they said we had to wait an hour before we got on the plane.  As a matter of fact, the whole flight was cancelled!  There was a bad storm with hail, rain, and snow, so we had to stay overnight.  My friends Braydon and Jacob even had to sleep in the bathroom.  It was not fun at all!  But we made things exciting by roasting marshmallows and drinking hot cocoa in the middle of the night. Dale Creepy was really CREEPY.  He kept staring at me, so I gave him the Parker evil eye back."

Note to reader:  Parker continues on for an entire page about the horrible service at O.M.C.A.  Unfortunately we were told by management at O.M.C.A. to take the rest of his journal entry down.

What you learned from today's lesson:
  1. Dale Creepy is totally a creeper.
  2. You'll need a passport to travel anywhere outside the country.  If you're 16 or older, it will be valid (good for) 10 years.  If you're under 15 years of age, your passport is only valid for 5 years.  That requires not just knowing the fancy vocabulary, but also how to navigate the document, my friends.
  3. Look for ways to repurpose your sibling's art projects.  You don't need to ask -- that's why they are in the attic after all...right?

One final sentimental thought....

My cousin Kim and I (circa 1991).  Can you tell who is whom?  P.S.  I totally got the pink sweatsuit FIRST, Kim :)

As I was uploading photos for this blog entry, it occurred to me that I really haven't changed much since I was in 3rd grade.  I was reminded of the home videos my cousin Kimi and I used to make as kids.  Most of those videos involved my brother and his friends dressing up as pro-wrestlers and throwing after-holidays clearance Easter candy at the winners, but I'll never forget those moments.

I'm still making these home movies...only with an entire group, and yeah we're capturing something magical here and sharing it with the world.  I hope when my 3rd-graders look back on their school memories, they'll think of Dale Creepy or Chandler in a 70s vintage dress I found in my closet.  Chances are they won't remember the phonics skill sheets that we had to do, but they'll remember the moments they were simply allowed to be kids and the curious spontaneity that the state of being a child offers.

  "When I was 17 my mother said to me, 'Don't stop imagining.  The day that you do is the day that you die.'"

-Musician Trevor Powers of the band Youth Lagoon.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sending REAL Mail: The Old-Fashioned Way

Sending Real Mail!
Who wouldn't want to get mail from this enthusiastic third grader?

Call me old fashioned, but there's nothing like getting a REAL handwritten letter in the mail.  This post is a reminder to all that although technology may be very convenient in our day-to-day lives, I think it's safe to say we've lost touch in our world.  That's right, tell me that last time you were at a family gathering and somebody wasn't on their cell phone?  We've become accustomed to being isolated to the world of our phones, whether it's Facebook, Twitter (however that works), or a text message, REAL and thoughtful human contact seems farther and farther away.  So, here's a post to dedicated to keeping the art of the written letter alive.  Yes, a handwritten cursive letter for that matter, sent to a grandparent on our uniquely handmade "vintage" paper.  It really doesn't get any cuter folks (unless you're a gerbil in a heart sweater).

Vintage Paper Making
Here we are dying white paper in a mixture of coffee and tea to give it that truly "vintage" look.

We're a unique bunch here at One Magic Classroom, and we couldn't just write a letter on any ol' paper.  Solution: let's make our own vintage paper by simply taking a plain white piece of paper, tearing it around the edges, and then crumpling it up into a ball.  Once you unfold the ball, soak it in a "magic" solution of tea or coffee.  Most of the kids decided to dip them in both.  Yes, they are impulsive.  My tea of choice, Emerald Lily (of course named after me).  It even makes the classroom smell like a hip Portland coffee shop (ha!).

Tea?  Coffee?  Both?
Elijah and Megan hard at work at the One Magic Classroom Vintage Paper Factory.

Just like the old-fashioned way to dry clothes: hang 'em up!
Here is our vintage laundry line of paper.

Lastly, you'll want to dab your wet vintage paper on some paper towels and hang them to dry.  Most should be dry in less than a few hours.  I told the kids to get creative with their "old" paper.  Write a secret message, or draw out a map to find a pirate's sunken treasure.  It's a nice surprise addition to our cursive letters.

Follow me to the SECRET GERBIL SWEATER FACTORY!!  (dun…dun…dun)

Don't forget to let them use a vintage letter stamp kit, courtesy of Don Greenwood.

Taylor even priced her map at the new low price of $123.24.   

Check out the handwriting on this kid.  I'd say Easton's cursive is better than any adult I know.

The best part of sending letters in the mail is getting letters BACK in the mail.  Many of the third graders asked their grandparents what life was like back when they were in third grade.  You may have guessed it, but yes, most grandparents did walk a mile to school; better yet, they used an outdoor bathroom.  And the things kids complain about these days!

 Smile if you're happy that you didn't have to use an outhouse in school.

 I recently found a letter I wrote to my grandmother while she was sick in the hospital.  After she passed away, I found it on top of her nightstand next to her bed.  It was only a few simple lines:
I don't like when you are sick grandma.  I hope 1997 is better than 1996 for you.

I sealed it with a sticker (a bee on a flower) that said "Buzzin' along!" and wrote my name in my best cursive.  

I have a feeling our third grade letters will be cherished by their grandparents for many years to come.  Who knows, they might even keep them by their bed and read them when they are sick.